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Past Ponderings

Sunday, September 14, 2014

PONDERING... Sending Daniel

Disclaimer: This was read at Providence Baptist church as we sent Daniel Baldesi off to his new ministry position. Note also, that this does not nearly do justice to the occasion. Great man of God. Great friend.

About seven years ago, I was working out at Bates Creek as a groundsman. One weekend, Brother Bill, the caretaker, told me I was going to be insulating the brand-new dining hall...with "the new guy". I really didn't know anything about this guy. I'd seen him once--he wore all black, didn't say much, and had spiky hair and curly mutton chops. I really had no idea what I was getting myself into... (I'm still not entirely sure I know what I got myself into!)

We worked an entire Saturday insulating that hall, and we started a conversation about... well everything that still hasn't stopped. I learned a few things about him that day, but two really stick out. First, he wasn't actually quiet at all. Second, he loved Jesus.

Daniel Baldesi (formerly known as "the new guy") and I, worked together for several years before God called him to Providence (the church where I serve). In that time, our friendship continued to grow--that hasn't stopped either--and I created a monster when I converted him to SBC... (Actually, I take no credit for this. :D) 

Proverbs 27:17 talks of 'iron sharpening iron'. I can think of no more fitting verse to describe our friendship. He challenges me, directly and indirectly (subtlety doesn't play a huge role in his life :D), to live more for Christ.

When he did come to Providence, he really came. Immediately, he was an active participant and leader in... everything! Not only has he been a vital part of the youth ministry, but he has been an integral member of the choir, out-reach team, Vacation Bible School, varying Sunday School classes, and Altar's Door (the praise band)...to name a few. He taught the new-converts class and youth group lessons, led retreats, and preached sermons. He challenged the entire congregation to memorize Scripture, and, as Paul encouraged Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:12, he has truly been an example to us all 'in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, [and] in purity.' I would say he has been here every time the doors were open... but that would be slightly misleading. I think most of the time, he actually opened the doors. First to arrive (crazy punctual people!). Last to leave. Everyone has come to love his contagious laugh, his serving heart, and his zealous love for the Word of God.

BUT, we knew this could not last forever. He has always been called to be a pastor. In the years since he's been here, he has been offered many positions, but never felt called to leave. After much wrestling and prayer, he has accepted the call to be Cadet Baptist Church's youth pastor. He's not abandoning us; he's just continuing to serve God. Good news, it's right down the road and we'll just be able to do more with our sister church! Great news, he's following the call of God to serve Him wherever he is needed.

So, we send him off in the same manner that I know he leaves--with tears, but rejoicing!

My dad always told me growing up that one of the hardest parts about being a pastor is keeping/making friends. People tend to elevate pastors too high, or feel too self-conscience around them to ever let loose enough to be friends. 

If you're friends with another minister (especially in this bi-vocational world), you are automatically limiting contact time. 

I have been blessed to be able to minister alongside my friend, and look forward to this changing, but not going away.  

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