Truth Point 1: We need to expect people, including ourselves, not to see, understand, or desire truth.
The people of Jesus' time missed it...even the disciples who walked with Him! We should expect no 'better' reaction today. True, people may claim to be cool with you liking Jesus...but they will not react warmly to His claims of being the way, truth, and life. By nature we do not desire God. No amount of reasoning can bring us to that point. Only God can do that.
Likewise, we can't for a moment assume we know Jesus just because we've been raised in the church. Despite the closeness with which you commune with Christ, you will never come to the point of knowing Him fully this side of heaven. When we think we do, like the disciples, we can miss out on SO much! (See Eccel 3:11 He has made every thing beautiful in its time: also he has put eternity in men's hearts, so that no man can find out the work that God does from the beginning to the end. KJV2000)
Truth Point 2: Know, above all else, Jesus is Truth! (John 14:6)
The disciples missed this point and wanted "just" a little more than what they thought they had in Jesus. There is nothing more than Jesus. We should want nothing more!
1. Filter Everything
Filters separate good stuff from bad stuff (at the base You need to have a filter on your life.
In today's world, you're going to be sorting through information non-stop--your generation more so that nearly any other. With the rise of technology, we're being given message at a super rapid pace. Run everything through the filter of Scripture. If it doesn't line up with the Bible, it's not true.
2. Seek the Truth/Seek God.
To do this, you need to know the Word. If you don't know what the Bible teaches, you can't live by it.
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