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Past Ponderings

Sunday, April 19, 2015

PONDERING... Lover not a Reader?

GIST: Love of God is marked by a love for His Word.

Opening Note: Though the remainder of chapter 14 is linked together in a cohesive thought, there are several large issues that are brought up that will need to be divided up in explanation. However, I'll try and connect them back to the big picture, as well. Remember, this is still the "upper room discourse". It is happening at the last supper after Judas has left to betray Jesus and Peter's denial has been predicted. 

SCRIPTURE: John 14:15 "If you love me, you will keep my commandments.  

This verse convicts me. While the message is simple, it is no less piercing and heavy. Ponder this. Apply this. I know I need to.

1. True love obeys those who deserve our obedience.
Can we love and not obey? Sure. A classic example would be a child-parent relationship. I love my kids, but I don't do everything they say. In fact, doing so would be unloving. However, can we say we love someone if we ignore them, or reject what they say? No. True love listens. 

If I didn't care about what my kids had to say, I would be hard pressed to prove that I really loved them. Likewise, if my son tells me that he loves me, but blantantly and consistently ignores my advice for his good, he is, at the very least, not showing me his love. When the love receptient deserves our obedience and we don't obey, we are not showing love. If habitually we do not show love, do we really love? 

2. True obedience listens, understands, and acts.
Listens- you can't obey what you haven't heard
Understands- obedience is pointless if it is misguided
Acts- listening and understanding isn't obedience if it is not applied

3. This applies to the Bible.
Listens- this is how we hear God speak
Understands- it is what we must commit ourselves to understanding
Acts- it is what should direct our lives

If we love God, we will love His Word. Do we?

Additional Quote: I heard R.C. Sproul say something like this, 'You might not like the way  the sermon is preached, but you should at the very least love the reading of God's Word. If scripture is being read and you're not benefiting at all/ loving to hear it read, there is an issue.'

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