What Prevents You From Being Baptized? (PM Lesson Outline)
GIST: Baptism doesn’t save you, but it is an important and commanded sign of your commitment to Jesus.
SCRIPTURE: Acts 8:36-38
This evening, I just want to spend a few minutes addressing an issue we had to gloss over this morning and then spend the rest of our time together intentionally praying in the the New Year.
This morning, we saw the conversion of the eunuch. After his conversion, he asked this very pointed question: 36 And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, "See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?" And then, “37 38 And he commanded the chariot to stop, and they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him.” Short as this exchange is, it brings up a very important ministry of the church, and one we do not often speak about: baptism. So, I wanted to spend just a few minutes talking about who baptism is for and why it matters. My outline for tonight is very short; however, I welcome additional questions.
Our gist: Baptism doesn’t save you, but it is an important and commanded sign of your commitment to Jesus.
I. Who Gets Baptized?
In some of your translations, you’ll notice a verse 37. In others, there will just be a number and a footnote. The reason for this is that verse 37 is not included in the earliest manuscripts. Therefore, it is not considered part of the original text. Nonetheless, the words still express Biblical truth, and clarify what has been taught about baptism from the beginning.
Missing Verse? “And Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.” And he replied, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.” This is the criteria for baptism: salvation. Now, baptism does not save you, but it is an ordinance for people who are saved by Jesus.
II. Why Does It Matter?
There are at least two reasons. First→
This is a sign of obedience. Jesus commanded us to baptize people who are made into disciples (people who are saved). Second→
This is an opportunity to make a public proclamation of a private change.
1. Baptism doesn’t save you, but it is an important and commanded sign of your commitment to Jesus.
-Baptism should be a time of great rejoicing!
-If you’ve been saved but have never been baptized, what prevents you?
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