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Past Ponderings

Sunday, June 23, 2019

PONDERING... Are You The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread? (Matthew 5:5)

Are You The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread? (Go Night Devotion)
GIST: There is true happiness in humility because it’s what a fulfilled life looks like!
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 5:5
In our brief talks together, we’ve been moving through the sermon on the mount. So far, we’ve been camping out on the beatitudes which outline what true happiness and true Christian living look like. Today, I just want to consider one verse, Matthew 5:5.
"5 "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."
Again, Jesus is always flipping the world’s expectations upside down. Here, He says that happiness is tied to meekness. This doesn’t seem to fit the world’s mold, but here’s our gist: There is true happiness in humility because it’s what a fulfilled life looks like!

I. There Is Happiness In Humility
To be meek does not imply just letting yourself be walked all over or simply being a quiet or soft-spoken individual. Biblical meekness comes in all kinds of personalities, but always implies a humility that doesn’t seek its own agenda but trusts fully in God’s sovereignty, His control, His plan and purpose.
This, Jesus said, is tied to true and lasting happiness. How? In this world, we’re always being told to “go big or go home”, to “dream big”, to “do whatever makes you happy”. And, you know, we should want to make much of the time we have here on earth. However, just trying to get whatever you want or make a name for yourself isn’t how to that. That won’t leave any kind of impression worth leaving behind. Seeking yourself is the core of what sin is all about. It just leads to pain and destruction. Instead, we’re supposed to seek His face and His will.
I think there are at least two ways to cultivate that attitude. First, remember your position. We’re sinners who need saving. Period. Trying to figure everything out in this world in our own strength won’t work. Second, remember God’s love and power. God does know what He’s doing, and He does have a perfect plan. He’s the all-powerful savior of the world who loved us enough that Jesus came and died and rose again for our sins. We can’t live this life by our own strength, but we can trust in Him to guide and use us for a plan that is so much bigger than us! That’s Biblical meekness. Living like this takes away the mindless agony of trying to control things outside of your control and leads to true and lasting happiness→

II. Because It’s What A Fulfilled Life Looks Like!
Notice that the promise here is that the meek will inherit the earth. This is like the promise made to the Israelites of inheriting the “promised land”, the place they were made for, the place where they would be at rest. There will be blessings here on earth which will come from keeping your eyes on Jesus. In fact, it will change the way you look at everything else. It will give you a Heavenly perspective on the circumstances of life. More though, this points to an inheritance that will not pass away. The true promised land, eternity in Heaven with Jesus. A place that will make the most beautiful place on this earth seem dull in comparison.

1. Be humble. Young or old, we’re not the end all be all of any situation. We’re all sinners who can be saved by marvelous grace. There’s no room for arrogance when you’re on your knees before the cross. Jesus humbled Himself and died for us. We should live humble lives as we seek to praise Him and serve others so they can see His grace!
2. Look forward to your inheritance! There is so much in this life that will try and rob your joy if you take your eyes off of Jesus and His promises. This life is temporary, but Heaven is eternal. Every day, you have an opportunity to live in preparation for that by living for Him and striving to point as many people as possible to that same truth. Don’t miss out on that eternal perspective. Rejoice now because you were made to rejoice in Him forever!

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