Have You Seen The Truth? (AM Sermon Notes)
GIST: Nature reveals His glorious power, and the Bible reveals His glorious grace.
SCRIPTURE: Psalm 19: 1-11
This morning we’re coming to our first psalm in our second “Summer in the Psalms”. I’m excited to be back to this study. Psalms is the prayer book of the Bible. These are also the songs Jesus would have grown up singing. They’re beautiful and heart wrenching all at the same time. I was immensely blessed by our study of them together last summer and look forward to what they hold for us as we move into this one. (On a fun note, this is technically the third summer you’ve had to put up with my preaching. I apologize wholeheartedly for that ☺️.)
The psalm we’re coming to this morning is not tremendously long. However, I still want to take it one section at a time. In fact, we’re not even going to get through the whole psalm today. Originally, that was my plan. But after finishing up my notes yesterday morning (yes, that happens sometimes...maybe often☺️), I realized doing so might force me to rush through some of these beautiful truths. I didn’t want to do that to you, so we’ll just take the first 11 verses this morning.
What we’ll see addressed here is a question that so many people ask in our world today: can we know God? Too often in our society, the conclusion people draw is a “no” because either they don’t believe there is a God, or they believe if there is one, He is unknowable. Sometimes people will say “yes”. But that yes might be a hyper-spiritualized “look inside yourself and find the god within” kind of yes. Both of those responses are missing the mark. This psalm, however, takes the same stance as Jesus. The stance we should all want to follow. We can know God because He’s chosen to reveal Himself to us. Knowing that, should break you in the best way possible.
Our gist for this morning is really the outline for this first part of the psalm itself: Nature reveals His glorious power, and the Bible reveals His glorious grace. Next week, we’ll talk more about what kind of reaction this should then elicit from us, but for this morning those two truths should give us plenty to chew on. Let’s pray and then dive in!
Let’s break down the first 6 verses here. "1 To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” David grew up as a shepherd. He spent a lot of time outside watching over his sheep, gazing up into the sky. Drawing on this experience, he opens this psalm by saying, in essence, you can’t look up at the majesty and vastness of the sky and miss it proclaiming that there is someone bigger behind all of this. He says nature declares God’s glory. In this context, we’re talking about the sheer power and strength of God. He also says nature proclaims God’s handiwork meaning… He displayed His power by making all of this! I know believing God created the universe and everything in it can be an unpopular viewpoint sometimes. However, people far smarter than me can walk you through just how improbable it is that we even exist on this planet (see the link at the end of this message). If we were just a fraction closer or farther away from the sun, it wouldn’t work. If the oxygen to hydrogen levels weren’t balanced like they are, it wouldn’t work. If the earth didn’t rotate at the speed it rotates, it wouldn’t work. You can look at all of that and the fact that even this broken version is absolutely beautiful and believe that it happened by random chance. But it’s far more believable that this perfectly structured world is the perfect design of the perfect creator.
That’s how this psalm opens, and the first 6 verse develop that thought. Look at nature, and you’ll see there is a powerful God behind it all.
Let’s keep moving through next few verses. “2 Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.” This revelation is continual. Night and day speak to the truth of God’s existence and design. These reminders aren’t just occasional ones you might miss if your timing isn’t just right!
“3 There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard. 4 Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them he has set a tent for the sun, 5 which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber, and, like a strong man, runs its course with joy. 6 Its rising is from the end of the heavens, and its circuit to the end of them, and there is nothing hidden from its heat.” The ESV words verse 3 a little differently than most, you might have noticed that if you’re reading along with another translation. However, the core thought is unchanged. The world is not literally speaking words, yet you can still hear what it’s saying loud and clear. It’s beautiful, and it’s proclaiming the creator of this beauty!
I love verses 5-6 which poetically describe the excitement with which the sun performs its designed task, being compared to groom on the day of his wedding or an athlete before a competition. This speaks to the boldness we see in the witness of nature, but it should also be a little convicting for us. Are we that excited about fulfilling our designed purpose? That might be another sermon for another day, but it’s worth your time to think about it. How excited are you to get up every morning and reflect Jesus to the world?
So, we see his opening point. Nature points us to a powerful, creator God. But that’s not enough. Knowing that there is some God out there who is majestic is an entry point, but that truth won’t save you. That’s not the same thing as knowing God. Which is why we need point two→
Toward the end of John’s gospel account, we get a glimpse of what eternal life is all about: John 17:3 “3 And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” Scripture exists to point us to Jesus. We were made by Him. We were made for Him. We were made to be with Him. And through His Word, He tells us exactly how we can be with Him and shows us who He is! Remember, Jesus wasn’t just a messenger for God; He was God in human flesh revealing Himself to us! That’s the truth that is developed in this next section. Nature tells you there is a God. Scripture shows you His grace by revealing the truth about Himself. This is grace because He didn’t have to reveal it, but chose to. Why? Because He loves us. Let’s break down what these next few verses say about Scripture. You’ll notice a pattern here. There will be a description of what the Scripture is followed by a description of what it does.
“7 The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul;” The law here refers to the whole of inspired Scripture. It’s interesting that the word LORD is used in this section. This is the way English translations typical write the name Jehovah or Yahweh, which was how the Jews referred to the name one true God. Early in the psalm, the word used for the “glory of God” was the more general term for deity. Here, though, David makes it clear that God is not just general, but specific and revealed through His Word, which is perfect.
The Bible is faced with constant scrutiny. Yet, it has stood the test of time. So often, we hear people say that there are contradictions in the Bible, and it cannot be trusted, at least not in its current and corrupted state. We’ve heard that so often, I think some of us just believe that to be the case. In fact, I’ve had conversations with Christians who have grown up in church and still make remarks that reflect this belief—like it’s just a fact we have to accept. I think that’s why we’re sometimes afraid to share Jesus with our non-believing friends, because we don’t think we can defend the Bible against their accusations. Let me just make two quick points here. First, most people who claim that there are contradictions in the Bible, also claim this because they’ve always heard that is the case and don’t, in fact, know of any themselves. Second, the fact of the matter is most alleged contradictions can be resolved by looking at the entire passage in context rather than trying to isolate individual phrases, or by looking at what the actually text is saying instead of just looking at older translations that use English words in a way we don’t use those English words today. Please get this if you get nothing else this morning: there are no contradictions in the teachings of Scripture. Period. It’s flawless.
And this flawless word revives us. It brings life where it is most needed, in our souls. I’ve said this often, but we really need to remember this. We need the Bible to speak to our hearts because only God’s Word has the power to change us. Our friends and family members and colleagues and...everyone else we might have an opportunity to serve need the same truth. You don’t need to come up with clever or helpful things to say to help them. You need to be in the Word, so it flows out of you when you’re talking to them because only it can make the difference.
I know I spent a long time on that first one, so let’s keep trekking here ☺️.
“the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple;” The testimony, the witness of God’s Word is the answer. How many of you are wise in your own strength here? None of us. We all need direction. In fact, just last week we were talking about how we’re all looking for our purpose, looking for what we should be doing and how we should be living. We’re not naturally wise, but we are naturally seeking to know more. God’s Word is trustworthy and makes us wise because it conforms us to the wisdom of God! I quote James on this all the time because I need this reminder! “5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” (James 1:5)
“8 the precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart;” The teachings in God’s Word, His instructions and requirements, are right. They’re good and straight. Following them brings true and lasting joy. That doesn’t mean it will be easy. That doesn’t even mean everything in this world will then go well. What it does mean is that following His steps will lead us down the path we were meant to take and toward the life we were made for. His directions also call us to repent and turn to Him which leads to our salvation! We’re made to be rejoicing people. His Word calls us to a salvation that should overwhelm us with everlasting joy!
“the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes;” What He tells us is clear. We might muddle it up, but that is never His doing. He tells us what we should do, and taking His Word seriously clarifies how we should live.
“9 the fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever;” I feel like this is the most unique way of referring to God’s Word here. The phrase “fear of the LORD” refers to the reverence and awe that come from knowing Him for who He is. The Bible reveals Him to us and, if taken seriously, should produce this in us. This, His Word and what it produces in us, is clean. It’s not tainted by the sin that taints everything else in this fallen world. And, it never fades. It will last forever. The same is true of those who are transformed by this Word. When we give Jesus control of our lives, the relationship we have with Him will never end.
“the rules of the LORD are true, and righteous altogether.” The teachings found here are both truth and completely righteous. That is, they are how we should be living.
“10 More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.” His Word is precious. It’s more valuable than worldly wealth and has a more lasting effect than even the sweetest of honey. I love honey and having money can be useful (not that I am speaking from personal experience, but I have heard people talking about it☺️). Both, however, pale in comparison with the eternal worth of God’s Word. It changes everything! →
“11 Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.” This makes it personal. His Word is wonderful, and it’s wonderful to me. It warns me of my sin and shows me the grace of His salvation. That’s the reward. Jesus. Being His and walking with Him! We look at nature, and we that there is a great God. Yet, it’s in His word that we see not only our state as sinners who are destined for Hell, but sinners who need a savior—a savior who came, and lived the perfect life, and died, enduring Hell for us, and rose again that we might be with Him forever. It’s here that we see where we are meant to be. It’s here that we meet with the God for whom we were made!
Now you probably see why I had to stop here for today. There is a lot for us to chew on in these first 11 verses. Let’s just end with these thoughts.
1. Nature reveals the truth of God’s glorious power, so everyone is without excuse. Paul puts it better than I could in Romans 1:18-23 “18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. 19 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. 20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world,[g] in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. 21 For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.” God has revealed Himself to each of us in His creation. Denying it doesn’t make it go away. Are you blown away by His majesty?
2. The Bible reveals the truth of God’s glorious grace, so you’re without excuse. If you’re here today, you’ve seen more than just the general revelation of God in nature. You’ve heard the truth of Him in His Word. It’s beautiful and convicting and real...and it’s for you. So→
3. How are you reacting to this truth right now? Do you see the beauty and majesty of His creation? Do you take seriously His life-changing Word? How much of a priority is this word that is right, and pure, and reviving, and joy bringing, and directing…? If Jesus is your Lord, then His Word will direct your paths. Is that how you’re living? In opening, we asked the question, can you know God? The answer is, “Yes!” Do you today?
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