Who Is This Child? Part II (AM Sermon Notes)
GIST: Jesus knows what you don’t and can do what you can’t.
SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 9:2-3, 6
This morning we’re continuing our “miniseries” on Isaiah 9:6 as we consider who this Child is that we talk about so much during this Christmas season. Who is this Jesus? Last week, we looked at Jesus’ incarnation – His choosing to humble Himself and come as fully God and fully man and take on the Hell we deserved. Why? Because He loves us with an unfailing, all-sufficient love. “For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder…”
What follows in the passage is a list of four names or titles. Today, I want to look at just the first part of this list. Think of these as attributes. This is what this Child is to be like— this is who Jesus is. To lead us into this, I do want to read verses 2-3 from chapter nine, as well. I feel this helps set the stage of this promise. See, the original setting of this prophecy about Jesus’ coming was a deep sense of need. We have the same need still.
“2 The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone. 3 You have multiplied the nation; you have increased its joy; they rejoice before you as with joy at the harvest, as they are glad when they divide the spoil. ... 6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
In our remaining time together, I just want to briefly consider the first two titles He’s given: Wonderful Counselor & Mighty God. As our gist, let’s just remember this: Jesus knows what you don’t and can do what you can’t.
I think a lot of people really enjoyed my sermon last week because it was so short ☺️. Don’t get too used to that...but you might enjoy this one for the same reason ☺️.
For this first point, I just want us to consider the two words we’re given in this first title: Wonderful and Counselor. This is the essence of what’s being communicated here, but it is interesting, at least to me, that in Hebrew the word translated wonderful is actually a noun (something He is) and the word counselor is actually a verb (something He’s doing). So, He is a wonder who counsels. What does that mean? Let’s take each word really quickly.
Wonder. This word is used in the Old Testament about 12 times, and when you look at those instances, it typically is a reference to something beyond human understand that God does, or at least one or the other ☺️— things that came from God or things so beyond our comprehension that couldn’t have any other source! Here’s a few examples.
Exodus 15:11: "11 "Who is like you, O LORD, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?"
Psalm 77:11, 14: "11 I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. ... 14 You are the God who works wonders; you have made known your might among the peoples."
Psalm 89:5: "5 Let the heavens praise your wonders, O LORD, your faithfulness in the assembly of the holy ones!"
Isaiah 25:1: "1 O LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you; I will praise your name, for you have done wonderful things, plans formed of old, faithful and sure."
So describing Jesus here as a wonder, at the very least, points to the fact that He’s from God and beyond our understanding.
Then we have this word→
Counseling. This describes what He does and is fairly straight forward, right? He provides guidance. What kind? The kind that is from God and beyond our understanding! Why? Because He has the plan. We might not always get it, but He does! So, why break this down? →
Is There Hope Here For Us? Yes! We’re just like those described in verse 2. We’re those who walk in darkness. We’re the ones stuck in the pit of sin’s destructive influence. It emanates from within us. Yet, this Child is the One who is coming from God, and though the world might not fully understand Him, we can rest assured He has everything figured out, AND He wants to guide us! This is Jesus.
I’ve grown up on hero stories. I love them. And there’s a point in nearly every hero’s journey called “meeting the mentor” where the hero encounters someone who knows what’s up. They have the skills, and they want to pass them down. It’s a concept that so captivates our human imaginations that we keep telling stories about it. But that longing is just a remnant of this divine reality. There is one greater than we could possibly imagine, He does have everything figured out, and He has come to make Himself known...to us! Why do we worry so much and live as if understanding this life had been left on our shoulders? We can come to Wonderful Counselor who died and rose again to be our Savior.
Next point! →
As our second and last point, I want to do the same thing with this second title He’s given. Why can we trust this Wonderful Counselor? Because He’s the Mighty God! Let’s look at those two words really quickly, as well.
Mighty. This word is actually a really common one in the Old Testament. It’s used hundreds of times. Most often it is used in the context of a battle or warfare of some kind. Therefore, we have this expression of Jesus as powerful and victorious. What is Jesus victorious over? EVERYTHING! Not only did He come and defeat sin once and for all, as if that wern’t enough, but in Revelation, He’s called the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Why? Because it’s true! There is no one and nothing above Him because He’s the One True→
God. We weren’t sent a frail or flawed, human hero. We weren’t sent anyone second best. Jesus, this Child who came in the manger, is God. He is the same God who created every star in the universe and placed them in the sky. He’s the same God who knows every hair on your head… because He put them there too! That’s the God who humbled Himself and took on Hell for you! Jesus wasn’t a weak teacher who died a fragile death. He’s the Mighty God who laid down His life for you!
- Are you confused, or stumbling, or struggling without answers? Come to the Wonderful Counselor who gives wisdom! James 1:5 is one of my favorite verses. “5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.”
- Do you feel defeated? Come to the Mighty God who is already and always victorious!
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