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Past Ponderings

Sunday, February 2, 2020

PONDERING... How Will Your Story End? (Part I) (Acts 28:11-23)

How Will Your Story End? (Part I) (AM Sermon Notes)
GIST: Seek opportunities to share the gospel, be prepared for two responses, and remember: there is only one way to end well. 
SCRIPTURE: Acts 28:11-31
Well, I planned on starting this message by saying today is kind of a big deal, and not because the Chiefs are in the Super Bowl, but because we’re finishing the book of Acts together. Then, I looked at the length of my notes and realized...that will have to wait until next week ☺. In fact, it wasn’t until yesterday afternoon that I decided this was going to have to be a two-parter ☺️. 
Today, we’ll pick up where we left Paul last week: on his way to Rome. It’s been quite the trip. After being shipwrecked and snake bit, he finally makes it to Rome. Along the way, we’re once again reminded of the value of Christian fellowship. Look at verses 11-15 here.  “11 After three months we set sail in a ship that had wintered in the island, a ship of Alexandria, with the twin gods as a figurehead. 12 Putting in at Syracuse, we stayed there for three days. 13 And from there we made a circuit and arrived at Rhegium. And after one day a south wind sprang up, and on the second day we came to Puteoli. 14 There we found brothers and were invited to stay with them for seven days. And so we came to Rome. 15 And the brothers there, when they heard about us, came as far as the Forum of Appius and Three Taverns to meet us. On seeing them, Paul thanked God and took courage.” For the sake of time, this isn’t going to be a major point this morning, but I couldn’t just skip over it. There is an expectation set here. We’re meant to be a family. We’re meant to grow together. These people even went out of there way to minister to Paul. In a world where it is so easy to isolate yourself from everyone else and live behind the safety of a screen, we’re called to invest in those around us. That’s what it means to be the Body of Christ. 
Now, it’s in this transition passage that we reach our final destination. After a winding, though purposeful, path to get here, Paul has finally arrived in Rome—exactly where Jesus told him he’d be taken! We’ve seen Paul arrive in many cities before now. Despite the fact that he’s technically a prisoner of the Roman Empire at this point, do we really have any reason to believe he’ll behave much differently? No. Paul is wholeheartedly devoted to Jesus and spreading His gospel! So when he arrives, he follows a very similar pattern. As we look at this one last time together over these last two Sundays, I want us to pay special attention to what this should mean for our personal walks. Here’s our last “Acts Gist”: Seek opportunities to share the gospel, be prepared for two responses, and remember: there is only one way to end well.  (Of course, this morning, we’ll just get to that first point…☺️.) 

I. Seek Opportunities To Share The Gospel 
After spending time with the believers, he dives into sharing the truth with those for whom he was sent. He knows he’s not just here for vacation. He’s been sent to Rome with the same purpose that drives his entire life: making Jesus known. Which, by the way, is true of me and you too. No matter where we are, we’re on mission. That isn’t something we turn on and off when it suits us. 

Here we see Paul doing this in at least two ways. One is more implicit and the other is direct. I called them Provided and Pursued Opportunities...because I like the alliteration there ☺️ . Truthfully, both were provided, just in different ways. Look at verse 16 first. “16 And when we came into Rome, Paul was allowed to stay by himself, with the soldier who guarded him.” 
This provided opportunity was a... captive audience. This one wasn’t “sought” by Paul, but it was definitely an opportunity he seized! The entire time he is in Rome, he is chained to a soldier. Like he’s experienced in his previous imprisonments, this would have been on a rotation, so several men would have been in direct and intimate contact with his during this time. Do you think they heard about Jesus? Absolutely! In fact, during this imprisonment, he dictated at least 4 New Testament letters. Which means, these soldiers would have experienced Scripture being written! They would have heard the gospel being clearly explained in that context, not to mention in conversations with him daily. Beyond that, they also saw how he conducted himself in this setting and were influenced by the testimony of his life. 
I’ve said this before, but we all need to realize this. There are people you go out of your way to connect with and there are people who seem thrown into your company. Both are put in your path for a reason. If there are people you find yourself in regular contact with, they are there on purpose. You’re supposed to shine the light of Jesus to them. This could be your colleagues, your family, the people you see at the store every week, etc. For me, it helps to remember this especially when I’m teaching a more difficult class. Those students are forced into my company for an hour every day. What are they seeing? I actually had the same thought when coaching my kids’ basketball teams yesterday. What kind of witness am I having? Me being around these particular kids wasn’t something I planned or they necessarily wanted ☺️, but we’re together multiple days each week now. Am I being a Godly witness, even if we’re down by 20? 
We cannot miss out on these opportunities. However, let me just be honest here. Sometimes, these are the hardest moments to be witnesses in. Why? Because it is easier to be a Christian in isolated contexts, like when you’re at church or doing some kind of special outreach (i.e. a mission trip or VBS). That doesn’t require complete transformation. It’s like acting a part for a play. I know that seems harsh, but this thought has been really convicting to me. We must share with those we see… everyday. 
Next, we’ll see his more “purposeful” approach. Not that he wasn’t purposeful with the guard, but he sought this encounter out. 
“17 After three days he called together the local leaders of the Jews, and when they had gathered, he said to them, "Brothers, though I had done nothing against our people or the customs of our fathers, yet I was delivered as a prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans. 18 When they had examined me, they wished to set me at liberty, because there was no reason for the death penalty in my case. 19 But because the Jews objected, I was compelled to appeal to Caesar--though I had no charge to bring against my nation. 20 For this reason, therefore, I have asked to see you and speak with you, since it is because of the hope of Israel that I am wearing this chain."” 
I wanted to label this a pursued opportunity because there are people we encounter naturally and people we go out of our way to find. Paul went out of his way to call them together, and Jesus opened that door. I love this, and need this in my life. If I’m truly passionate about seeing people saved, I can’t just sit around waiting for them to come to me. Notice that that’s what this is all about here. He doesn’t call them together to “defend himself”. Instead→ 
He Connected His Struggles To Their Hope. Right away, he establishes that his imprisonment is for their hope. He understands his role here. Any hardship he might be facing is so that these people can hear of Jesus’ salvation. That’s the hope of Israel, the Messiah for whom they’d been waiting. That’s the hope for every single person on this earth. No matter what their facing at this moment, they need to realize that Jesus came to take their place, to bear Hell for them, and that by coming to Him in faith, believing Him and surrendering to Him, they will be saved! 
As a church, we need to be constantly going out sharing this good news. This is something I’m very passionate about, in part, because I see my shortcomings here. As His body, we must constantly be reaching out! Not doing this is failing to be the true Church of Jesus because this is 100% His heart. If we’re not trying to be like Him and love like Him and go like Him, who are we immulating? 
When Paul was intentional here, he actually found them interested. → 
“21 And they said to him, "We have received no letters from Judea about you, and none of the brothers coming here has reported or spoken any evil about you. 22 But we desire to hear from you what your views are, for with regard to this sect we know that everywhere it is spoken against."”  Immediately, two questions came to me when I read this response. First: Where Did This Desire To Hear Come From? Jesus. Paul was sent to speak to these people, but God was already working in their hearts. We need to remember this reality. You don’t initiate God’s movement. You’re a vessel God uses in what He’s doing! 
Now, these Jews had heard about Christianity, but not in a positive light, which made me also think: Is Christianty Still Spoken Against? In much of the world, yes. Yet, rather than make us afraid, this should spur us to action. Let’s be ambassadors for the truth! Look at how Paul takes up that mantle here. I think we can definitely learn from this. 
“23 When they had appointed a day for him, they came to him at his lodging in greater numbers. From morning till evening he expounded to them, testifying to the kingdom of God and trying to convince them about Jesus both from the Law of Moses and from the Prophets.Man, I could camp out here for a long time (which is partly why this began a two-parter ☺️), but I want to make sure we get this whole picture here. First, we see his→ 
Dedication. He taught…. all day! Christianity isn’t a part-time gig. This is our life. This is who we are...all the time. There is no such thing as half-hearted salvation. We’re either all in or… not. If you’re only really a Christian on Sundays, are you really a Christian? I don’t think I could call myself a husband if I only pretended to like my wife for four hours a week. Just saying. Next, we see that what he’s doing is→ 
Expounding. This implies making an effort to clearly explain. Which...well...takes effort. This requires not just throwing tracks at people or tossing around “churchy” phrases, but actually working to help ensure people understand the truth of Jesus’ salvation...which is the content of his explanation→ 
The Kingdom of God. God’s Kingdom is His purpose amongst His people! The Jews longed for this Kingdom to be fulfilled. They were looking for the Messiah to come and establish it once and for all. Paul tells them this has been realized in Jesus! That hope you’re looking for, that fulfillment… it’s in Jesus too! That’s what we go around proclaiming still today. Now, how did he make this connection for them? With→ 
Evidence from Scripture. Let me make two points here. First, there is evidence. Christianity is not just some blind faith. Do you know why you believe what you believe? Are you a church attender or a follower of Jesus? If you’re His, you’ll be a serious student of His Word. You won’t just take things at face value, but you’ll have a vibrant and active fatih. Which is feeds my second observation actually→ Oh, how vital is God’s Word! I need it. You need it. The world needs it. Are you… you know where I’m going here… reading it? Paul didn’t use his wisdom to try and convince them. Instead, he took them to God’s Word which has the power to transform lives!
So this is what we do. We go out seeking opportunities for sharing the gospel with wholehearted devotion. Next week, we’ll see what our expectations need to be when doing this, but for this morning, I want us to leave meditating on that truth. Here’s our→ 

1. Will you seek opportunities to tell people about Jesus? Again, there are opportunities at your fingertips every day: those that come rushing your way and those you’re meant to rush after! Do you care enough about their needs to go to them and make a conscious and wholehearted effort to share Jesus? Man, I need this conviction!
2. Will you come to Jesus? I would be at a loss if I assumed this is where everyone is this morning, as well. Maybe you’ve been on the receiving end of this message today. You’ve never given Jesus control of your life. You’ve never sought His forgiveness and experienced that life change. Will you come to Him today?

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