Are You Proclaiming A False Gospel? (Galatians 1:8-10)
GIST: Don’t mislead; the world needs Jesus’ rescue.
This morning, we’re picking up where we left off last week and coming to a “part two” of sorts as we discuss what are really still Paul’s opening remarks to these Galatian churches. This is also a part two in another way because, after choosing to cancel the in-person version of our Homecoming service almost a month ago (due to me being diagnosed with COVID), we’re going to try to celebrate today instead ☺️.
Beyond the “round two” connection, there is a broader connection I can make here, as well. This letter to these early churches was written to remind them of the importance of the gospel. (We are sinners deserving of Hell, but Jesus, God incarnate, came and took on Hell in our place and rose again. If we believe in Him and give Him control of our lives, accepting His gift of grace, we can be rescued!) They were slipping away into false teachings that believed grace wasn’t enough. Last week, we broke down what this often looks like in our world today: adding particular levels of commitment, or specific actions, or an “open-mind” to grace. These false gospels point us away from our core need: we need Jesus’ rescue.
As Paul continues, we see, in very striking words, how important it is that we be people who share the truth— and that’s the “Homecoming” connection for me. For 189 years, this church has been blessed to be part of what God is doing in this area. This has happened, and can continue until Christ returns, because the Gospel has driven us. That has to be what we’re about.
Let’s read verses 8-10 this morning. After warning these churches not to be drawn in by false gospels which point away from Jesus’ grace, Paul says this:
“8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed. 10 For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.”
Those are incredibly strong words, and they point to the seriousness of proclaiming Jesus— not any false hope. Last week, our gist was “Don’t be misled; you need Jesus’ rescue.” This morning, we could take the flipside: Don’t mislead; the world needs Jesus’ rescue.
Let’s break down this text. First→
I. Don’t Mislead (8-9)
The world needs to hear the gospel. Anything else we offer them is empty and condemning. Let me make two quick observations here. Notice first that the gospel is the plumbline. It’s the standard. If you’ve walked through the Bible with us much, you’ve heard me cover the gospel over and over and over again – regardless of what passage we’re covering and including our times together in the Old Testament. Why? Because the gospel isn’t something new. It’s the good news of salvation spoken of throughout all Scripture. That’s why Paul says if he and his companions, or even an angel appears from heaven, and they aren’t preaching this gospel… don’t believe them. In fact, his language is much stronger. He says let them be condemned to Hell.
See, the gospel Paul wants so desperately for these people to hold onto isn’t a gospel of his own invention. He’s not hurt because they aren’t buying his book anymore. The gospel is the truth of God. It’s not empowered by claims of apostleship or even angelic presences. This truth transcends its messengers. That’s why Paul can say, “even if I come back with another gospel, don’t believe me”... because this isn’t about Paul!
Secondly, we can’t skip over the strong claim here. False teachers point people to Hell and should be condemned themselves. Yeah, that’s strong, but we actually touched on this last week. If we proclaim anything as truth that points people away from their need for Jesus to rescue them, we’re pointing them back to Hell. Period. There is hope in this world, and it comes from Jesus. Not telling people that or trying to conceal it in terms that are easier to swallow (like Jesus is one of many paths) or that give you a sense of control (like requiring rules to be kept so you at least can check your own boxes) anything like this points us to ourselves and away from the real hope.
As I noted last week, this is a sign that we haven’t really been transformed by His love. Knowing there is hope and rescue and not pointing people to it is not love— it’s apathy: a complete disinterest in souls being cast into Hell.
That’s why Paul uses such strong language. Anyone who deliberately points people toward destruction should experience it themselves… and if they believe what they’re spreading, they will.
Don’t mislead people because—>
II. The World Needs Jesus’ Rescue.(10)
The gospel is what the world needs to hear, but it’s not what the world wants to hear. Guys, it’s not what we want to hear naturally either. The gospel reveals the wickedness of our hearts and our deep need. We don’t like to hear that. We’d rather feel like we have “options” that keep the power in our hands. But the truth being uncomfortable doesn’t make it any less true.
As we get ready to wrap up here, look at verse 10. “10 For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.” Oh, how we want to please people! I’m there. I like being liked. I like compliments as much as you guys do. But here’s the deal: living just to make people temporarily happy at the expense of their eternal salvation is just foolish. I want to love people for Jesus… regardless of what they think about me. I want to live for Him who gave everything and is everything… even if it cost me comfort in this life. And it will. In fact, Paul says if he wanted to make everyone happy, he wouldn’t be a Christian at all!
In 2 Timothy 4:3-5, Paul puts it like this: “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” Don’t itch ears. Proclaim the truth in love!
Ok, time for→
For 189 years, Jesus has blessed us to be part of His ministry to this area. If we want to continue in that until He returns, we need to hold tight to these truths.
Don’t mislead. People need Jesus not a comforting lie.
So we need to know the gospel we desperately need.
And we need to proclaim the gospel they need too...even if it cost us popularity.
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