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Past Ponderings

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Are You Eager & Loving? (Galatians 5:5-6)


Are You Eager & Loving? (Galatians 5:5-6)

GIST: Our dependence on Jesus should both excite us and move us to love.

This morning, we’re wrapping up the first section of Galatians 5. I technically introduced this passage three weeks ago, so this morning I hope to achieve brevity as we chew on two weighty verses. Paul is developing the application of his appeal that true salvation comes by faith alone. It is not based on works. It’s about being set free by Jesus’ amazing grace. If we experience that, we’ll be transformed. Last week, we tip-toed into this concept of freedom in Christ and noted that it should be transformative because He now defines our lives, but that this walk won’t be easy as it will go against our sinful natures… which is why we are called to actively and deliberately stand firm for Christ. After presenting this truth, Paul warns us again of the result of rejecting Jesus and His grace: Hell, completely severed from grace. These verses directly follow those warnings→ 

"5 For through the Spirit, by faith, we ourselves eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness. 6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love."

Like I said, I first quoted these verses three weeks ago, and we’ve had “Faith Working Through Love” on our two boards on the stage ever since. Of course, after his baptism last week, my son showed me how much of an influence I’d really been on his life by changing the letters to read: “Fart Working Though Love”. This is a totally different expression. But I’m not going to lie... I can still relate to it ☺️. However… what I want us to see from these two verses today, our gist, is this: Our dependence on Jesus should both excite us and move us to love. Does it? Let’s think through that together. First→ 

I. Does Your Dependence Excite You?

“5 For through the Spirit, by faith, we ourselves eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness.”

As usual, I have two major observations here. This speaks to the source of our salvation and our attitude as a result of it. 

The Source Is The Holy Spirit Through Faith. If you’ve been tracking with us through this study, this should sound very familiar. He’s been developing this truth throughout the whole letter. Our salvation is not the result of our works. It’s the gift of God as the Holy Spirit reveals our desperate situation— that we’re trapped in our own sin— and creates in us saving faith. If we really believe this→ 

Our Attitude Should Be Assurance & Expectation. This should excite us. In our study of psalms, I’ve pointed out that the Biblical use of the word waiting doesn’t imply passiveness. It carries the notion of expectancy. Likewise, the word translated hope isn’t like our English use which has a connotation of doubt. The original expression reflects confidence. We’re talking about eager expectation here. But, what are we expecting? Righteousness. 

Here’s a beautiful truth about salvation. As soon as we come to Jesus and receive His rescue, we’re declared righteous. Our sins are no longer counted against us. However, we’re still works in progress. Like we talked about last week, the Christian life won’t be easy. Heart transformation can hurt, but the journey is worth it, and that’s what this hope is really all wrapped up in: certain glory. There will be a day when we will stand before Jesus not only declared righteous but also experiencing His presence fully. We won’t be burdened by our broken, sinful hearts anymore. Jeremy Camp puts it so well in his song “There Will Be A Day”. “There will be a day with no more tears/ No more pain and no more fears/ There will be a day/ When the burdens of this place will be no more/ We'll see Jesus face to face/ But until that day we'll hold on to You always”

We eagerly look forward to the incredible eternity we know we have coming. Or...at least we should. So often, though, we don’t live like that at all. That’s why this is more than just a feel good thought about Christianity. It’s a spiritual discipline. Ready for your weekly Tim Keller quote ☺️? “So waiting is not simply an intellectual agreement about where we are headed. The language is too vivid and the results too powerful to be describing only that. Paul is talking about a spiritual discipline. It is the development of an attitude of heart, an eager, passionate delight in all that we have been given in Christ. It involves meditation and reflection on our justification, adoption, and future glorification, and then bringing our actions into line with that.” (Keller Galatians For You) This should be our attitude as we live in light of the truths that have changed us, but it doesn’t come naturally...so we need to continually foster this in our hearts. Remind yourself of His truth by spending time digging into His Word and chewing on it all throughout the day. 

When you know something exciting is coming, it consumes you. Think about a kid who’s watching the weather waiting for the snow day they know will come because the roads are already covered and the temperatures aren’t even getting close to above freezing. Is your Christian life defined by that kind of excitement? Mine isn’t always either because I stop looking at the truths that should move me to praise. 

    Ok, second question→ 

II. Does Your Dependence Move You To Love?

“6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love.” Again, I have just a few observations on this verse. First→ 

Salvation Isn’t About Your Deeds. Has he mentioned this yet ☺️? We should see this as both an encouragement & warning. Our salvation is not earned nor lost by deeds. You won’t do enough to save yourself because following religious practice or not doesn’t count for anything, but following specific religious practices also isn’t a criteria you need to uphold to be eligible. It’s all about grace. Every day. It is so easy to make life so much about us, so we either live pursuing self-righteousness or we live racked by guilt. Our salvation isn’t about that. → 

We’re Saved By Faith Because Of His Love. Period. Please hold on to that. Regardless of where you are when you’re reading this. Jesus loves you. That’s the most important truth about you. It’s the only one that matters. If we come to Him and receive His rescue, we’re covered in His righteous. It’s not about what we can or cannot do. It’s all about His amazing, undeserved grace!

And We’re Transformed By Grace To Carry His Love. This final point is huge. Man, I want it to define my life! Only faith can lead to true love, the love the world needs. Living for yourself, in a religious or non-religious context, can’t produce that (Keller). David Platt and Tony Merida in their commentary on Galatians made this observation: “False teachers were all about ... external ritual; Paul says the Christian life is about faith that is demonstrated through loving service” (Exalting Jesus in Galatians). The faith which led to our salvation now permeates our lives and manifests itself in love.

Even though I feel like the COVID-19 world has turned me into somewhat of a hermit at work because it’s hard to get away from everything I’m trying to balance each day ☺️, I still talk to a lot of people. I know it’s hard to know how to live right now. The pandemic. The politics. The fear. How are we supposed to face that? Look forward to the certainty of glory and love! Oh, I know we can think of so many oppositions to this. But, this isn’t just an eye in the sky mentality. It’s easy to say, “We’ve tried that, but it isn’t working. It’s time to fight fire with fire.” But have you tried this? Have you really been living with the love of Jesus driving your actions. Throwing off the sin that entagles and clinging to His hope? Remember Hebrews 12:1-4? “1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider Him who endured from sinners such hostility against Himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted. 4 In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.” That isn’t weakness. It’s not being a pushover either. The most loving thing we can do is point people to the truth they don’t want to hear but need desperately. HOWEVER, our method must be drenched in compassion. 

Love should define us. Ok, one more verse to try and hammer this home. Then we’ll close. Psalm 126:5-6 “5 Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy! 6 He who goes out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.” The greatly loved love greatly.


    Let’s just ask ourselves these questions again in closing.

  1. Does Your Dependence Excite You?

  2. Does Your Dependence Move You To Love?

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