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Past Ponderings

Sunday, March 7, 2021

What Does It Look Like To Walk By The Spirit? (Galatians 5:19-25) PART 1


What Does It Look Like To Walk By The Spirit? (Galatians 5:19-25) PART 1

GIST:  Your life won’t be defined by sin because it will be defined increasingly by Jesus.

    As we continue our study of Galatians, we’re coming to one of the most familiar portions of the letter for many. Here Paul contrasts the works of the flesh (where our sin nature camps out) with the fruit of the Spirit (what Jesus does in our lives). Last week, we saw that this comes in the context of a call to walk by the Spirit. We pointed out that there is a serious struggle within our hearts because of conflicting desires, but if that is the case, it’s also a reminder that Jesus is fighting for us against our self-destructive natures. Walking by the Spirit is then turning away the sin that destroys and moving deliberately toward Jesus. These lists provide us with a way to gauge whether or not that’s actually happening in our lives. We’re going to read 19-25 this morning, but this will be a two-parter, so don’t freak out when my first point seems ridiculously long. We won’t get much past it today ☺. 

“19 Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, 21 envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 24 And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.”

    So, what does it look like to walk by the Spirit? Here’s our gist: Your life won’t be defined by sin because it will be defined increasingly by Jesus. These are super important truths to wrap our minds around, so we’re going to spend the next two weeks trying to unpack basically those two points. Today, we’re going to mostly camp out here→ 

I. Your Life Won’t Be Defined By Sin (19-21)

“19 Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, 21 envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.”

    There is a lot we could say about these verses. Five observations stuck out for me this week (which is why we won’t go much past this point ☺). Truthfully though, I don’t want to needlessly drag any of these out.

1. These Works Are Evident. That’s how this passage starts, and I want to make sure we don’t skim over that too quickly. The fact that these are works or deeds is going to be directly contrasted in a few lines with what the Spirit produces in us, which is fruit. Works are things we do. These are actions and attitudes that come out of our hearts and do stuff in and to our lives. Furthermore, they’re clear. There is no mistaking works of the flesh with what God does in our lives because these works are always destructive. 

2. This Is Not An Exhaustive List, But These Broad Categories Paint A Clear Picture. I wanted to make sure and say that it’s not exhaustive for at least two reasons. First, so you do feel like you’re off the hook because you don’t see your pet sin here ☺. Secondly, so you don’t look at this list legalistically and think, “as long as I don’t do these 15 things, I’ll be good”. This list probably addresses many of the sins common amongst this original audience. However, it also provides a nice overview of the types of things we invite to take over our lives when we’re not following Jesus and letting Him rescue us from ourselves.

3. This Isn’t A Ranking System. Over the years, people have broken down this list, and the others like it in Scripture, into countless categories to help us digest them. We’re going to do that together in a moment too. One observation Tim Keller made about this passage is that these sins could be broken into two really broad categories: sins common amongst “religious” people and sins common amongst “non-religious” people. Churches don’t have drunken bashes too often, but dissensions and factions sure seem to thrive in those contexts. Yet, both of these are included in the same list. It’s easy to look at this and downplay the sins you’re struggling with and elevate the ones in“other people’s” lives. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). A life defined by sin leads to Hell. Period. Don’t fall victim to the ranking game. Your sin is just as much a rejection of God’s grace as everyone else’s. That actually leads nicely into→ 

4. This Is Also Not Meant To Shake Assurance. Passages like these tend to really bother many Christians who are actively struggling against sin. (That should be all Christians by the way.) This passage is not saying that if you ever sin, regardless of whether or not you’ve repented, you’re going to Hell. Guys, there are people who believe this and churches who teach this. I’ve had conversations with people who have told me they were afraid of dying suddenly because if they didn’t have time to ask for forgiveness of each of their sins before they died, they’d end up in Hell. I even remember my dad speaking to the wife of a pastor whose husband died in a car accident. She had no peace about his death because she thought he might have had a bad thought about the person who swerved into him before he died and wouldn’t have had any time to repent of that before he died. When you come to Jesus for salvation, His grace completely covers you. When Paul writes that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God he is talking about people whose lives are defined by sin. I know I keep saying this, but it’s important to remember: you will stumble. You will fall into sin. You probably have today. However, there is a difference between stumbling as you strive to live for Jesus and just allowing sin to reign in your life without any repentance or remorse. His grace is amazing.  

5. However, There Is No Room For Excuses. This Is A Call For Serious Examination. I don’t want someone who is really struggling right now as they walk with Jesus to doubt His grace. The flip side is even more dangerous. I listened to a pastor this week who warned his congregation not to fall into excuse-making when reading passages like this. He said many will hear sermons like this or read passages like this and immediately start justifying their actions. They know they’re actively and consistently doing these things, but their “circumstances are different” or “the way they do this isn’t as bad as other people”... the list could go on. The warning here is serious. If these kinds of things control your life, you’re living like you’re not saved...and apple trees produce apples. A life defined by sin hasn’t been rescued by grace. It is easy to start comparing your life to what other people are doing and excuse your sinful behavior as not being “as bad as what other people do”. Never forget this sinful, broken world isn’t the standard. Jesus is. So, let’s break this list down into a few broad categories and use this to actually do some self-examination. Do any of these define your life?

Category 1: The Misuse of Sex. One of the ways I study throughout the week is listening to commentaries and sermons on these passages as I exercise or do my side of the “getting the kids school stuff” ready in the morning. Let me say, with lots of little ears around, this one provided a challenge this week ☺. However, if we’re not talking about this in church, where will our kids learn God’s expectations and beautiful design? There are three terms here that could be broken down like this: 

  • Sexual Immorality. This is any sexual behavior outside of marriage. 

  • Impurity. This term refers to unnatural or unclean sexual activity. This is anything outside of God’s design which is between one man and one woman in the context of marriage. Yes, this would include so many things that are front page controversies today. Homosexuality, beastiality, pedophilia...etc. I know this isn’t popular or comfortable, but we need to follow God’s design and purpose, not the popular trends of our world which we have well established is stuck in sin.

  • Sensuality. This refers to uncontrolled sexuality or unbridled lusts. 

    I could stretch this out (and I’ve heard many do that), but you guys see the list. This is a huge deal in our society. In fact, it’s included first in Paul’s other list and Jesus starts with it in His as well! Sexual sin is common and so destructive. My heart aches as I read report after report of Christian leaders falling victim to sexual sins. Sometimes they keep these hidden for years, but the end result is always the same. Lives are absolutely devastated. Don’t play with fire. Examine your heart. Are you letting anything sexual that isn’t your marriage bed into your life? 

Category 2: Replacing True Worship With False Religion. There are two words here. 

  • Idolatry. In this context, this is referring specifically to the worship of false gods. However, devoting your life to anything other than the One True God falls into this category. 

  • Sorcery. Interestingly, this greek work is actually where we get our word pharmaceuticals from because it refers specifically to drug-induced practices associated with magical arts where people would take substances to induce specific experiences.

Tim Keller summarized these so well. “The first is providing an inadequate substitute for God, and the second is faking the work of the Spirit.” (Keller)

Category 3: Attitudes And Actions Which Destroy Relationships. This makes up the bulk of the list. Do any of these hit home?

  • Enmity. An attitude of hatred and bitterness toward others.

  • Strife. An attitude of contention, having a hot temper.

  • Jealousy. Keller called this the “zeal of a hungry ego”. I like that. This kind of jealousy is desiring things because of what they make you feel or how they make you look.

  • Fits of Anger. Do I have to explain that one? Any of you get angry...every day?

  • Rivalries. This word actually carries the idea of selfish ambition. It’s the shameless promotion of yourself at the expense of others. It’s stepping on whoever you want on your “way to the top”.

  • Dissensions. These are specifically divisions between people.

  • Divisions. And these are factions or “warring groups”. The attitudes we’ve been describing result in these kinds of situations. 

  • Envy. This is coveting or desiring what others have.

    How many of these describe your morning?

Category 4: Substance Abuse. The last two fall into this category.

  • Drunkenness. I actually had a conversation with a few students this week who were shocked when they found out I’d never tasted alcohol. I’m not a super-saint, but I’ve seen firsthand what it can do and want nothing to do with it. I know that’s not a popular perspective, even amongst church-goers.

  • Orgies. This actually isn’t referring specifically to the sexual kind. One dictionary put it like this “a nocturnal and riotous procession of half drunken and frolicsome fellows”. This describes the “party scene”. 

It might not be a comfortable exam to take, but these are the kinds of these we should be walking away from as we walk toward God’s grace. They will not define our lives→ 

II. Because It Will Be Defined Increasingly By Jesus (22-25)

 “22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 24 And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.”

    Again, this is our topic for next week, but there are two observations I want to make really quickly in closing because I think it’s helpful not to completely separate these two lists from each other.

1. Following Jesus Means Crucifying The Flesh. This is more than just “saying no”. It’s actively turning from what leads us astray toward what gives hope (keeping in step with the Spirit). That means examining our sin at the motivational level (Keller). Why do we fall into these temptations and how can we be deliberate about turning all the more toward His grace?

2. We’re Now Defined Increasingly By What He’s Doing In Us! We will definitely camp out here more next week, but I wanted to make sure I at least made this statement this week because it can easily be misconstrued. These verses aren’t giving us another set of checklists. You aren’t saved by not doing the bad stuff and actively doing this list of good stuff. Instead, these lists are litmus tests to see what’s happening in our hearts. Having lives that are defined by the works of the flesh point to lives still controlled by sin. The fruit of the Spirit is then what Jesus produces in us as we walk close to Him. We don’t cultivate this fruit. He does, and it’s a process. I used that word increasingly on purpose, even though I know it kind of made for a clunkier sentence. This fruit grows in your life as you walk with Jesus. 

Ok, so that was a lot to process this week, so let’s just close with our gist as the→ 


If you’re walking by the Spirit, your life won’t be defined by sin because it will be defined increasingly by Jesus.

Where’s your heart today?


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