What Is The Secret To Facing… All Things? (Philippians 4:12-13)
GIST: I can learn to face abundance and need when I find all my strength in Jesus.
We’ve done family days right after VBS for years now, and I like to take a break from our current book study to focus on the kids’ memory verse. Therefore, instead of continuing Psalm 41, we’re going to camp out with one of the most quoted passages of scripture: Philippians 4:13. Well, actually, we’re going to look at 12 & 13 to give a bit of context. If you were with us for the worship service, by this point you would have already heard it quoted by the kiddos several times, but let’s take it in context together now.
“I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”
Again, this quote is everywhere. Unfortunately, in practice, it’s used a lot as a kind of self-serving mantra to really mean: “I can do whatever I put my mind to”. However, that’s not what this verse is talking about at all. That’s why I wanted to include verse 12 in our discussion here. This whole context centers around Paul being able to face diverse situations because his strength isn’t in himself. It comes from Jesus.
Here’s our gist for this morning: I can learn to face abundance and need when I find all my strength in Jesus. Lets’
I. I Can Learn
The first thing I want us to notice is this is “The Learned Secret of Contentment”. I wanted to word it like that because there are several aspects here I don’t want us to miss.
1. This is learned. He actually says this is a secret or mystery he has learned. That means it isn’t something that’s immediately apparent. We aren’t naturally content people. Being “ok” with our circumstances regardless just doesn’t “happen”. This comes with walking with Jesus. Digging into His Word, and letting Him change the way we look at life (which we’ll try to illustrate a bit in the next points).
2. This is about contentment in all circumstances. We could define this as a sense of stability no matter what comes. We could also call it living with real, expectant hope. Seeing the world differently because we’ve been changed by Jesus’ grace. And I know that might seem very Christianese, so let me try and break that down in the next point, as well. We’re learning→
II. To Face Abundance & Need
That means there is a “Secret To Facing Abundance”. I wanted to start here for two reasons. First, it’s actually what appears first in all of the list ☺️, so it makes sense to follow the text. Secondly, it’s exactly where our hearts don’t go first when thinking about this verse. Even if you’re not a “church person”, you’ve probably heard this quoted or seen it on t-shirts. What’s the typical context? Facing stuff you realize you can’t do in your own strength. When things are going well, you don’t see this verse as often. Why? Because there is a tendency to look at ourselves and feel self-satisfied when life is going well. In times of abundance, we tend to assume we’re the source of those “good times” forgetting “every good and perfect gift comes down from above” (James 1:17)
We need to learn how to have. In times of abundance, we need to remember the source— His amazing grace— and not fall into vanity which only self-destructs.
But this verse is talking about all circumstances, so we also see that there is a “Secret To Facing Need”. This is the context we typically think of for this verse. It’s a lot of the context where many of us live. Even those who seem to have it all, tend to be very aware that they are missing something because this world was never meant to meet our deepest needs. But a lot of people don’t even seem to have it all. Maybe your life is a mess and everybody knows it. Even then, anything is possible because your strength doesn’t have to be circumstantial or dependent on you—it’s meant to be from Jesus, and His source is abundant!
See, there is a tendency when we’re in need to look without and feel self-pity. We need to learn how to have not...and that’s really what the gospel points to! I can learn to face abundance and need→
III. When I Find My Strength In Jesus
What’s the secret to facing all things? Letting the good news Jesus came to bring completely change your life. Jesus loves you. He knows you’re a mess. He knows you don’t have it all figured out. He knows your natural heart wants to run from Him and reject His hope. He sees your heart...and chose to pour out His love anyway. By nature, you’re just riding your own train (to steal a VBS illustration) straight into self-destruction: Hell. You’re stuck. No matter how hard you try, you can’t get yourself out, but you don’t have to. Jesus came and lived the life you couldn’t. Took on Hell in your place. Died on the cross and rose again victorious over the sin that consumes you. If you come to Him for rescue, He will save you.
That perspective will change how you face...everything. Not just knowing the words. Not just acknowledging it’s truth, but really letting it permeate everything. It’s hard to think too much or too little of yourself when you see the world through the lens of Jesus. The Jesus you need, and the Jesus who loves you this much.
Alright, let’s hit some→ di
Don’t be discouraged, but take time to learn contentment through Christ. This, of course, has a major implication we cannot afford to miss. In order to really face anything with the strength of Christ guiding and providing, you need to first come to Him. If you’re still trying to live this life on your own, you won’t have this.
Praise God for the days you realize are good.
Praise God for His grace and provision when you can’t see His goodness. God made this day, so it’s going to be good. God made this day, and He loves you, and He’s moving all around you, so you can face all this— do all things— if Your strength comes from Him!
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