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Past Ponderings

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Disclaimer: All material on this blog reserves the right to be an incoherent rambling.

As a high school teacher, this time of the year means finals. That word strikes fear into the hearts of most. Therefore, I spend much of my time assuring students that they will do "just fine". However, in this modern day of technology, these reassurances have taken to multiple formats. Now, a student can shoot me an email or comment on a document. Their fear is unbridled by social conventions. Thus, I am tasked with distributing peace as much as knowledge (possibly more) almost constantly. Today, I received one such email. The student wanted to know "what the final would be like". Knowing this student to be one of good humor, and inspired by a spurt of creativity, I responded with the following poetic message.

Dear Student,

What will the final be like? 
by Mr. Upchurch

A student once asked me, "What will the final be like"
Oh, the excitement--an adrenaline spike!
A chance to use similes and rhymes to describe
Is this real life, or only a gibe?
If truly, you yearn for the "what like" within
Let's get right to it! Let the similes begin!

Like a breath of fresh air
Like a cool morning's breeze
Like a soft teddy bear
Like a cold-cut with cheese
Like a glass of ice-tea in the middle of May
Like a cup of hot coffee on a winter's day

Like a strong handshake
Like a buzzer shot
Like a birthday cake
Like a bestowed yacht
Like a hammock nap in a freshly cut yard
Like a history teacher who is also a bard

Like a "you're great" stamp
Like a last day's bell
Like a fun summer camp
Like a giddy child's yell
Like a "Surprise! It's a Spider-man double-feature!"
Like a chance to be taught by an incredible teacher

All these things, and so much more
Are what, dear student, you have in store!
Enjoy the final...because it means last
And it will soon be a thing of the past


Mr. Upchurch
​​English Language Arts Instructor
Website for All Classroom Materials

(P.S.-- Your final will be a reflective essay. Have a great day and make wise decisions!)

Ponder, pray, and propagate your perceptions.


As always, feel free to comment below... in the section that reads "Post a Comment"

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