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Past Ponderings

Saturday, February 10, 2018

PONDERING... What is Jesus Saying About Kids? (Mark 10:13-16)

What Is Jesus Saying About Kids? (PM Lesson Outline)
GIST: Care for children, and approach the throne of God in complete dependence.
SCRIPTURE: Mark 10:13-16

Tonight, we’re looking at a very familiar passage with a simple but profound message. First, we do see Jesus demonstrating His care for children, and by that His compassion, yet again, to “the least of these”. We should imitate this. Secondly, we are told that we’re supposed to receive the kingdom like a child--in complete dependence. That’s the message. That’s the gist. Care for children, and approach the throne of God in complete dependence.

Let the children come to me; do not hinder them
Oh, the disciples! We’ve seen this picture before, haven’t we? In fact, just last week, we talked about the disciples trying to stop a man from casting out demons in Jesus’ name. Now, they’re trying to stop people from bringing their children to Jesus, and Jesus says, “Don’t do that!” Let’s make a few quick observations here.
  1. Jesus cares about children. Isn’t it a blessing to serve this Jesus!
  2. This extends beyond actual children, as well. Remember, we’re called to serve the least of these.
  3. He directly tells the disciples not to hinder them. How could we hinder kids or others from coming to Jesus? Doubting them because of their age? Living lifestyles which point them away from Christ? Not wanting “that kind”? We’ve hit all these before, but, man, don’t we need these reminders?

...for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.
After telling them not to hinder the children from coming to Him, He uses the children as an example. Let’s make a few observations here, as well.
  1. This isn’t about imitating a caricature of childhood innocence. The most frequent explanation for this I’ve heard in my lifetime is that we’re to have a “childlike faith”. That has never really set easy with me because while most children are fairly trusting (which is a positive attribute), they also often believe things which are not true. Furthermore, this verse has been used to say we need to reflect childlike humility or innocence. Unless you’ve never spent much time with children, you won’t think they are a model for either humility or innocence. My kids are adorable. The most adorable in the world, in fact (It’s indisputable; I apologize.☺). However, they’re not innocent.
  2. This is about dependence. Again, keeping the context in mind is so important. What did Jesus just use to illustrate serving the lowest of the low? A child. The attribute children universally share is dependence for survival. The word used in this account and other Gospels refers to young children. In fact, Luke 18 uses the word for babies. This is how we’re to be like children--completely dependent upon Christ. We cannot approach Him any other way. There is nothing we can do to add an iota to His salvation.  Consider these lines from Rock of Ages, “Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to the cross I cling; Naked, come to Thee for dress; Helpless look to Thee for grace; Foul, I to the fountain fly; Wash me, Savior, or I die.”
  3. There is no other way to come. Let’s not miss that there are both positive and negative implications in this statement. The positive is we don’t have to earn what He has already secured. The negative side? If you’re trying to come to Christ through anything but His grace, you won’t. If you’re trying to earn your way into Heaven, you can’t. If you think your merritts have anything to do with His favor, you’re wrong. Again, “Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to the cross I cling.” This is actually pretty counter-cultural. We live in a “me-centric” society. I have actually been approached by people who were very upset after hearing me make statements like this. We’ve grown up on “pick yourself up by your own bootstraps”. While this fosters a strong work ethic, which is positive, it also fosters a self-reliance which is not. Your bootstraps won’t save you. His nails can.

1. Bring kids to Jesus.
Loud. Disruptive. Stinky. Bring them all.
2. Don’t hinder them.
How are you treating children (actual and metaphorical)?
3. Approach His throne 100% in need.
What gives you the right to come into Jesus’ Kingdom? Nothing but the blood of Jesus!

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