Making Wise Decisions (Freshmen Academy 2018)
GIST: Avoid arrogance, pursue purpose, cultivate character, and rejoice regularly (...and appreciate alliteration ☺️).
Good morning class of 2023! I know it’s early and you have know idea who I am, so I promise I’ll be as brief as possible☺️. Also, if I slip into some weird characters in the middle of this talk, it’s because I’m in full-on Vacation Bible School mode and have all those scripts running through my head right now, too☺️!
I was asked to come here this morning and talk to you about making wise decisions in high school and beyond. When I was told that was the prompt, there were two pieces of advice that came to mind first: wear clothes...and stay away from PDA. Seriously, these two skills will change your life! There’s much that can be accomplished by just not being naked in public...and not making out in the hallways! However, I think the school was looking for something more “big picture”, so I’m going to walk you through some points that I give pretty much every time I speak at an event like this. I guess that’s partly because I might not be that creative, but it’s also because I feel like these truths are key to living life to its fullest: Avoid arrogance, pursue purpose, cultivate character, and rejoice regularly.
I. Avoid Arrogance
These words will probably be familiar to many of you, Proverbs 16:18, “18 Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Destruction. That’s a big deal. As in pride will destroy you! It’s so true, too. We live in a world that pushes pride. Everywhere you turn you’re being told you can be and do whatever you want and not to let anything stand in the way of that. I don’t know you guys, but I do know this: there is so much each of you can do. You’re coming into this high school with a blank slate. There are going to be tons of opportunities for you to grow and excel! Chase excellence, give your all, but don’t become a slave to vanity. Pride taints everything. Don’t waste your time. Be humble. I’m sure you guys are awesome, but life is about more than you. You want to live life to its fullest? Then live for something greater than yourself. Jesus Himself said He came not to be served, but to serve! I think we should do likewise.
II. Pursue Purpose
Like I said, there is so much that each of you could do, but COULD and SHOULD are two completely different words. Just because there are a bunch of doors in a house doesn’t mean they will all take you where you’re trying to go. I mean, if you’re trying to get a snack in the kitchen and you just go with which door “moves you” might end up in like the bathroom. And, I guess there is an off chance you might find something to eat in there, but it’s definitely not going to be the experience you were expecting.
Now, I know most of you get this. That’s why you spend so much time worrying about what to do next. It can be scary. I know. There can seem to be so much pressure to “get it right” and “figure out your whole life by 15”. How can you do it? Well, first off, you don’t have to have your whole life figured out by fifteen, but let me just give you these pointers.
1. Don’t follow your heart. I know this might go against much of what you’ve heard your entire life, but unless you have a heart completely different from mine, I’d say it’s just not a great decision making principle. About 2500 years ago, a prophet named Jeremiah said, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9 ESV) See, if I were to follow my heart, I’m pretty sure I’d have to ignore the whole “live for something greater than myself” thing. My heart tends to goes for the immediate and the most enjoyable or personally beneficial...but that’s not always the best. Instead, I’m going to give you the same advice my dad gave me. →
2. To find your place and purpose: Figure out where you have the most joy in service and see the most benefit to those you’re serving...and do that. If you love it, and it’s helping people...that’s a great place to be!
Sure, dream big. Don’t be limited by your own expectations or the expectations of others. Just make sure you do most of your dreaming while you’re sleeping and most of your “actually doing something” while you’re awake, because you can’t find where you are most joyful and useful until you’ve done stuff. So, start opening doors. You might stumble into a few bathrooms, but eventually you’ll find that kitchen. And you’ll know you’re in the right place when you not only love what you’re doing, but see it benefiting those around you.
III. Cultivate Character
About 2,000 years ago when Paul was writing a letter to the church in Philippi, he gave these instructions, “8...whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things” (Philippians 4:8). Here at Farmington, we value character. You just came from the middle school, so you get that. Because of this, you’ll continue to hear us talk about integrity a lot. But integrity just means remaining true to whatever is at the core. If the core is messed up, integrity is meaningless. So, develop a character that is worthy of your integrity. So much in life is fleeting. You won't be in these specific places with these specific opportunities & challenges forever. Intelligence, relationships, hardships, victories, position, all comes and goes. But character, who you are at the very core...who you are no matter who is or isn't watching you, that's going to last. And it’s a life-time development kind of thing. It’s a struggle. But it’s worth it. Don't be afraid to mess up. Don't be afraid to leave what is comfortable to do what is right. Whatever is true, and pure, and excellent--think about these things. Be transformed by these things. Love, these things.
You want to make wise decisions? Become the kind of person who does just that. Cultivate character.
IV. Rejoice Regularly
This point might have been me forcing the alliteration thing a bit☺️. What I mean happy! Grumpy is easy. Being negative is easy. In fact, it’s become so accepted that it’s almost expected. Make fun of everything and you won’t have to worry about being made fun of yourself. If you scoff at everything, you’re never vulnerable. How sad is that?
Now, I know life won’t always be easy. In fact, there are probably harder times ahead of you than there are behind. How do you face that with joy? I guess go back to point one☺️. I tend to be a pretty positive person. Why? Because my hope is built on a foundation that is unshaken by the things of this world. You can live for yourself, but you'll let yourself down. If you let the things of this world define who you are, then when these things fall apart, you’ll come crashing down with them. However, when your hope is in something more than yourself, it doesn't matter what happens in this world.
Life is too short for drama. Believe me, it will be waiting for you when you walk through these doors every morning and will follow you home every evening. Life is too short not to love it! Be joyful... because there's stuff worth being joyful about. Be happy...because you’re still alive! Laugh...because it's fun! Smile...because you're blessed! Rejoice...because there is so much to be thankful for.
You want to make wise decisions? Avoid arrogance, pursue purpose, cultivate character, and rejoice regularly. ...and do this all while wearing clothes and not making out in the hallways☺️.
Thank you. Have a great day and make wise decisions. Merry Christmas.
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